[Gllug] Auto Login?

Alex Hudson home at alexhudson.com
Sat Aug 25 23:55:49 UTC 2001

On Sat, Aug 25, 2001 at 08:47:31PM +0100, Jon Masters wrote:
> > Is it possible to have Suse 7.1 automatically log in a specified user at 
> > boot-up? 
> I suppose a quick 'n' dirty solution is just to stick
> su - <lusername>
> at the end of your /etc/rc.d/rc.local file
> (or whatever, I'm a Debian person).

Hmm. I'm running Debian, and I don't see that file ;P

I don't see how making the script change id is going to automatically log
someone in, either? 

I would have though a slightly better system would be a 
	su - [user]; startx ;
.. before the daemon start in /etc/init.d/?dm - that way, it gets you to
something useful (ie, the gui) on bootup, and then when you quit X (logout,
whatever) it would go on to start the gui logon manager so you can log in as
someone else / shutdown / whatever. 

Doing that in an init script is pretty icky though. A better way is to make
gdm do it automatically - although you'd need to +s it - as an option, so
that the script doesn't hang around (if you alter the start script you can't
& startx, because gdm/xdm/whatever would start immediately and complain
about not being able to open the display or something). I don't think any of
the 'dms have a method of doing that currently, nor am I convinced they
would accept a patch that did it :)



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