[Gllug] focus control in KDE

Nix nix at esperi.demon.co.uk
Wed Aug 22 00:10:51 UTC 2001

On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, David Damerell yowled:
> [1] Session manager may be a bit of a misnomer here, since the
> programs we're talking about don't necessarily do any session
> management like xsm does. Basically, when you log in via xdm or run
> startx or whatever, /etc/X11/Xsession gets run; when it finishes, the
> session finishes. Hence it tends to 'exec' some other program, which
> effectively turns it into that other program - which then will finish
> the session when it finishes.

Am I the only one who finds GNOME's session manager (and/or the X
session management protocol) to be impoverished to the point of
uselessness? All I've been able to convince it to save is the positions
and names of windows. It doesn't save environment variables inherited by
programs, which is annoying enough; but most amazing is that it doesn't
save command-line parameters passed to programs (even, as far as I can
tell, to session-aware ones), and it certainly doesn't bother to
remember if an X program was running on a different host to the current
one; it's blithely unaware of X's network-transparency.

This makes it totally useless to me, given that I have things like this
running all the time:

env DISPLAY=$HOSTDISPLAY XAUTHORITY=/home/nix/.Xauthority ssh amaterasu procmeter3 -geometry 100x704+2087+973 Statistics.CPU_User-g Statistics.CPU_User-t Statistics.CPU_System-g Statistics.CPU_System-t Processes.Load-g Processes.Load-t Processes.Forks-g Processes.Forks-t Statistics.Context-g Statistics.Context-t Statistics.Interrupts-g Statistics.Interrupts-t Statistics.Page-g Statistics.Page-t Statistics.Swap-g Statistics.Swap-t Statistics.Disk-g Statistics.Disk-t Date_Time.Uptime_DHM Network.Pkt_Rx_eth1-g Network.Pkt_Rx_eth1-t Network.Pkt_Tx_eth1-g Network.Pkt_Tx_eth1-t ProcMeter.Version

Environment variables, a different host, and command-line
parameters. Oh, and I'd like this procmeter to appear on a specific
desktop and be stuck to that desktop, while another one (which isn't
ssh'd) should follow me around from desk to desk, stickily.

I can't find *anything* that can handle that other than fvwm2 or raw
Lisp in sawfish. Certainly nothing that relies on GNOME's insipid
program-starting stuff could start that correctly that I can see.

`It's all about bossing computers around. Users have to say "please".
Programmers get to say "do what I want NOW or the hard disk gets it".'
                        -- Richard Heathfield on the nature of programming

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