[Gllug] How do they manage it? (IT recruitment agencies)

bredroll at irwin.dsh.org.uk bredroll at irwin.dsh.org.uk
Wed Aug 8 17:42:48 UTC 2001

average spec in my house is 180mhz, (linux is just fine)

i find clients i work with often have averages of 750mhz machines as
deskstations, i would say in these cases antivirus stuff doesnt slow them down,
windows me/2000 does, and office does a good job of burning cpu cycles like
theres no tomorrw.


> >I dont know other peoples experience but in mine anti-virus s/w tends to
> >slow the computer down something chronic, esp on some applications like M$
> >visual source safe.  I dont use them anymore.
> I run Norton Antivirus and there is no noticeable slowdown at all but it is
> an 800MHz machine with 256 ram, I can imagine a lower specced machine having
> problems.
> Will.

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