[Gllug] How do they manage it? (IT recruitment agencies)

Nix nix at esperi.demon.co.uk
Sun Aug 12 11:22:10 UTC 2001

On Fri, 10 Aug 2001, will at hellacool.co.uk spake:
> I run Norton Antivirus and there is no noticeable slowdown at all but it is
> an 800MHz machine with 256 ram, I can imagine a lower specced machine having
> problems.

Some antivirus software, such as the egregious `InVircible', causes
drastic slowdowns and frequent clashes with other software :(

(Further, as in-memory antivirus scanners tend to operate with root
privileges or the equivalent, and they often have auto-updating
features, the effect of running them is that a bug or intruder at the
far end can cause arbitrary amounts of havoc on your machine at
essentially any time. The classic example was the bug last year that led
to Dr. Solomon's, I think it was, looping hard and eating all CPU time
at max priority. Wonderful.

`It's all about bossing computers around. Users have to say "please".
Programmers get to say "do what I want NOW or the hard disk gets it".'
                        -- Richard Heathfield on the nature of programming

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