[Gllug] OT, but funny

Nix nix at esperi.demon.co.uk
Sat Dec 15 22:32:13 UTC 2001

On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, John Southern muttered drunkenly:
> Apart from being morally wrong on two counts (1)Stolen & (2)MS is just

(3) it only encourages the proprietary software companies, by increasing
    their market share and amplifying network effects in their favour.
    MS is well-known for disregarding copyright violation in a new market
    until their software has acheived significant penetration, and then
    making people pay for it. They could equally well initially ship
    the software for nothing, but then their claims that it was `costing
    them a huge amount' in other markets wouldn't work so well, and they
    couldn't go after people who'd got it for nothing and subsequently
    got locked in and demand that they pay.

    IMHO, MS's strategy is almost *exactly* that used by drug dealers.

(and it's not theft, as David said.)

`The situation is completely under control. All of them were killed.'
     --- Alim Razim, for the Northern Alliance, demonstrating fine
         command of traditional Afghan prisoner control techniques.

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