[Gllug] Installing Stuff?

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Sun Dec 9 18:52:57 UTC 2001

James.Rocks at equant.com(James.Rocks at equant.com)@Sun, Dec 09, 2001 at 12:05:27AM +0000:
> Hi,
> Another question :-)
> I have a slight aversion to Star Office so I am attempting to download KDE
> Office 1.1.
> Things being (apparently) as they are in the Linux/UNIX world (and despite
> still being very MS oriented this does not neccessarily discourage me) it
> told me it had dependencies (it asked for libkdefake.so.3 I think) and as
> far as I can tell the dependencies appeared to indicate I needed a later
> GUI than the 2.01 KDE2 I had.
> So I downloaded KDE 2.21 (some 32 RPM files in all) and I am planning to
> upgrade my current KDE2 (2.0.1) to 2.2.1 ... but exactly how do I do this?
> In the Windows world you simply run install or setup but it seems a little
> more complex here (not a criticism simply an observation) ...
> Any ideas would be helpful ... I have 32 RPM files waiting in a directory
> called "KDE 2.2.1" and I have little idea what to do with them?

In the directory:
# rpm -Uvh *.rpm

Or, if you have some kind of GUI program for installing packages, you'll
just need to configure it to look in the directory for updated packages.


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