[Gllug] Is this funny

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Mon Dec 31 11:18:01 UTC 2001

Hi all

I was reading some posts and came across this on sourceforge


I erased a 60Gb company disk by typing: 
cp test.txt /dev/hdc 

The disk contained one ext2 partition. 
What to do..... 
(I have an excatly the same empty spare disk.) 

A solution will be rewarded..... 

Is this a complete wipe and if so could someone tell me why. It did make me
laugh though. I was also wondering if I had the following script
#! /bin/bash
echo $1

history | grep $1

How can I get the output to appear on the console it was called from. I know
its simple but I know not what or how.

Harry Jackson.


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