[Gllug] Website developement

Nix nix at esperi.demon.co.uk
Sun Jul 15 12:54:58 UTC 2001

On Sun, 15 Jul 2001, David Freeman gibbered:
> <body BGcolor="#ffffff" link="#ff0000" vlink="#0000ff">
> it says that in HTML 4.01 Bgcolor, link and vlink aren't valid
> attirbutes! which has confused me no end.

They are not; you are supposed to use style sheets, and use logical
markup only in the pages themselves. (They are valid in HTML 4.01
Transitional, though, not that this is a feature or anything.)

> Do you know of any guides to CSS?

I learnt it by reading the spec, the same way as I learnt HTML. It's
quite simple, really.

`I'm not sure whether libtool is an existence proof that you _can_
 write a shell script that handles its arguments correctly, or a
 demonstration that you may try but you are doomed to failure.'
                                                       -- Zack Weinberg

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