[Gllug] Editors

David Freeman freemadi at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Jul 29 18:20:39 UTC 2001

 --- Tom Gilbert <tom at linuxbrit.co.uk> wrote: > * Bruce Richardson
(brichardson at lineone.net) wrote:
> > On Sun, Jul 29, 2001 at 06:17:49PM +0100, Tom Gilbert wrote:
> > > Fine. It's just that I can see the need to protect data from your
> mate
> > > down the pub borrowing your laptop, but I cannot see the need to
> "deny
> > > the higher levels on a StegFS" from the authorities unless you
> are doing
> > > something illegal.
> > 
> > That's your problem.  Why should anybody be forced to give up
> private
> > data when there is no evidence of criminal activity?  As the law
> stands
> > now the authorities can demand acces to any encrypted data without
> > needing any reason or any kind of warrant.  Failure to provide
> access is
> > a crime in itself.
> > 
> > This gives the authorities power to invade personal privacy in the
> most
> > oppressive manner and is ripe for abuse.  The fact that it may not
> be
> > being abused now is no guarantee that it will not be abused in the
> > future.
> This is an argument against the RIP act, and I agree with you, it
> sucks
> that they can ask for any data with no reason, but I still stand by
> two
> points.

It sucks big time! 

> a) If the authorities do ask for your data, and you have done nothing
> illegal, what is the problem?

I can't trust what they will do with it. The persons whom I am giving
it to are curruptable!
> b) I would rather live in a country where the authorites can look at
> my
> data if the _suspect I have partaken in illegal activities_, if it
> means
> that child pornographers and terrorists (the people who really
> benefit
> from tools such as stegfs) are more easily caught and prosecuted.

One mans Terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. As for Child Pron,
it will continue regardless and no new law will stop it, And why would
a criminal who would get 10 yrs if the evidence is found going to give
his key when he can take 2 yrs instead!


> Tom.
> -- 
>    .^.    .-------------------------------------------------------.
>    /V\    | Tom Gilbert, London, England | http://linuxbrit.co.uk |
>  /(   )\  | Open Source/UNIX consultant  | tom at linuxbrit.co.uk    |
>   ^^-^^   `-------------------------------------------------------'
> -- 
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