[Gllug] Editors

Richard Cohen vmlinuz at vmlinuz.org
Mon Jul 30 00:06:56 UTC 2001

On Sun, 29 Jul 2001, David Freeman wrote:

> is it now? what happens if there is a good chance you will nock the
> government out of office? surely they can use the law enforcement
> forces to get all your encrypted data, not as far fetched as you may
> thing. Just think back to the 30's in a country not that far away!

On Sun, 29 Jul 2001, David Freeman wrote:

> This comes in more important given the ability of the police to hold
> records on us. What happens if I innocently hand over my key so they
> can decrypt my data, one file of which details my sexual fantasies, and
> they see this and record it in my record. What happens when the stupid
> populus votes in a power much like the germans did in 1933 they goto
> the records find that I am in breach of what they feel acceptable and
> have me sent to a concentration camp. Its not as far fetched as you may
> think!

On Mon, 30 Jul 2001, David Freeman wrote:

> I think this ties in nicely with what you say on your site under "blah"
> "It's been said that all serious arguments on the internet are
> concluded by the mention of hitler, so here's mine:
> Hitler once decreed that all jews should die. We can all agree that
> it's an absurd statement, but how many of us find it amusing? "
> Not really related to the thread but a nice juxtaposition of events.
> Whilst on the subject I agree with what you say in the "blah" post.

Okay - that's now two instances and one invocation of Godwin.  Will you now
please shut up?


For the record, I think Tom is right and you're out of your mind.  Nothing
personal, of course...

There should probably be a smiley somewhere in my text above.  I'm not 100%
sure there should be thought...

And you probably don't want to actually argue with me about what you so
casually toss off as a reason for your paranoia.  I *have* actually studied
that stuff...


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