[Gllug] basic rpm problem.

James R.R.Tullett jamest at iotia2.demon.co.uk
Tue Jul 3 19:07:46 UTC 2001

On Tuesday 03 July 2001 19:06 pm, Lee wrote:
> That sounds very similar to the Solaris "package" format.  Isn't that how
> many SVR4 package management systems work? Heh, does that mean SlackWare
> is coming over to the "proprietary unix" dark side? ;-)
It's been using pkgadd & friends since about 1993 to my recollection.  I got 
into a bit of a mess with Slackware about a year or two later, and started 
using RedHat back when they were still sorta cool.

It's very difficult to _respect_ a "dark side" person who walks with a limp 
and makes loud quacking noises.
mailto:jamest at iotia2.demon.co.uk

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