[Gllug] KVM switches

Robert Wood rob at empathymp3.co.uk
Thu Jul 19 22:47:39 UTC 2001

	does anyone know where (apart from ebay) that I can pick up an
8-port KVM switch for a nice "cheap" price, I quite like the Apex
Outlook EL-80T, I know it is old, but it has the OSD and is reasonably
cheap on ebay, but not very common :(
	The belkin omni series are nice, but also expensive :(

	I don’t particularly want a rotary switch one

	so if anyone know of anywhere, then please let me know :)

Robert Wood [Data Centre Support Technician]
e: robert.wood at interhouse.redbus.com
t: +44 (020) 7531 8700
f: +44 (020) 7531 8701
a: Redbus Interhouse (UK) Limited
   6 / 7 Harbour Exchange Square
   London, E14 9GE
w: http://www.interhouse.redbus.com/

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