Fwd: Re: [Gllug] Duel booting the saga continues

George F. Saxby george at gogointernet.co.uk
Sun Jul 15 10:46:28 UTC 2001


How big is this file and where is it located? 

long since forgotten 

>> Booting 2.2 from floppy does _not_ prove the 2.4 kernel is at fault...
> 	er well if that does not what does? 2.2 works from the floppy but
> 2.4 doesnt from floppy or hard disk

It proves you aren't booting a 2.4 kernel properly, nothing else.

no it proves the 2.4 is not booting properly  the floppy format (the way they 
were written was identical except that one had 2.2.?? and the other had 
2.4.?? )

> 2.4 booting from the h/d get the dh splash asking you want "dos or linux"
> go lilnux and it will run vmlinuz and back to splash scren asking you dos /
> linux  pick dos and windows works fine.

What does 'run vmlinuz' mean? 
iwhat it says the screen pops up "loading vmlinuz then a row of  dots " and 
back to splash screen the machine does not re-boot 
as to whether it goes in to memory I aint small enough to see.
there are no messages about kernels panicking or otherwise.

Does it load into memory, panic and reboot the
machine? Once the OS is in memory, it won't go back to LILO without a

Assuming the option is called linux, have you tried booting 'linux
root=/dev/hda2 single'? 

having pressed ^x to go out of the graphical screen to command line we tried 
all that. and the result as the previous e-mail said was exactly the same 

	Anyway the point is now that I have installed windows to dual boot with Dead 
Rat 6.2 and it works fine as does Mandrake  7 when I tried that.. I may not 
have the latest but it works I can patch the other bits to my hearts content 
using RPM (providing I can find the dependancy bits which like another thread 
says is a pain) if I was feeling more confident in my LINUX I would go to Deb 
and apt-get which John (of libretto thread) uses far more easily when I have 
seen him using it.



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