[Gllug] London Expo Wed & Thurs

Bruce Richardson brichardson at lineone.net
Mon Jul 2 14:37:01 UTC 2001

On Mon, Jul 02, 2001 at 03:47:15PM +0200, Xander D Harkness wrote:
> Hey Hey,
> It has a good article on installing an IMAP server written by Mike Brodbelt,
> which I found interesting having used mostly UW IMAP.

That was Linux Magazine.  Linux Format is entirely free of content.

It was a decent article, though.  Good overview of the subject and then
the points to watch for with Cyrus in particular.  Compare it to the
absolutely crap article on amanda, which ought to have been titled
"Random details I remember from having set it up once."

There are too many articles of the latter type in Linux Magazine.  Are
there *any* really decent Linux magazines around?  I find Linux Journal
less and less useful or relevant: the articles become ever more esoteric
and I could cheerfully throttle Marcel Gagné.


What would Edward Woodward do?
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