[Gllug] London Expo Wed & Thurs

Ryan Cartwright ryan at cafamily.org.uk
Mon Jul 2 14:37:55 UTC 2001

On 2 July 2001, Bruce Richardson wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 02, 2001 at 03:47:15PM +0200, Xander D Harkness wrote:
> > Hey Hey,
> > 
> > It has a good article on installing an IMAP server written 
> by Mike Brodbelt,
> > which I found interesting having used mostly UW IMAP.
> That was Linux Magazine.  Linux Format is entirely free of content.
> It was a decent article, though.  Good overview of the 
> subject and then
> the points to watch for with Cyrus in particular.  Compare it to the
> absolutely crap article on amanda, which ought to have been titled
> "Random details I remember from having set it up once."
> There are too many articles of the latter type in Linux Magazine.  Are
> there *any* really decent Linux magazines around?  I find 
> Linux Journal
> less and less useful or relevant: the articles become ever 
> more esoteric
> and I could cheerfully throttle Marcel Gagné.

Personally I find LM quite good, agreed it occasionally suffers from
some articles which are of the type you mention but then so do many
Computer magazines. I found the CD writing stuff of great help.

I quite enjoy LinuxUser but it is subscription only (they'll send you 3
copies free - www.linuxuser.com ) and it is more discussion based.
Articles tend to be less "step by step" and more of the theory and

I read LF for the first three issues and dumped all three. I picked the
recent one up in smiths and saw they have increased their editorial team
which is a good move (The od Amiga Format team weren't cutting it). But
I still bought LM instead as it seemed to have more of what I wanted to

Ryan Cartwright

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