octopii was . Re: [Gllug] Website developement

David Freeman freemadi at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Jul 15 21:49:39 UTC 2001

 --- Stig Brautaset <stig at brautaset.org> wrote: > David Freeman
<freemadi at yahoo.co.uk> writes:
> > > A lot of the languages that we hear about on a daily basis are
> > > based around a C like syntax. Java, Perl, PHP, C and numerous
> > > others all get their basic statements and constructs from the
> same
> > > place, I don't really see why you'd have so many issues with Perl
> > > if you do C or Java for example. The only problems I can see are
> > > the default variables but if you don't like those do it
> > > explicitly.
> > 
> > Was C based on B or BCPL? and wasn't that in turn based on a
> > language beginining with A (ada pos?) I think it was the weird
> > varibles with things like $%&£@ etc... appering so much which
> > confused me.
> C has taken many of its ideas from BCPL, both directly and indirectly
> through B, which also has ideas and constructs from BCPL[1][2]. 
> [1] - taken from the introduction in K&R2.
> [2] - For this reason, it was argued that C++ should be called P, the
>       next letter in BCPL.  I do not remember where I heard this
>       argument.
they also argue that C++ should be called ++C as it was orginally a
preprocessor for C which generated C code which you then compiled with

/me wonders when someone will mention fortran :o)


> Cheers, Stig

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