[Gllug] mySQL PHP

Bruce Richardson brichardson at lineone.net
Tue Jul 10 18:10:43 UTC 2001

On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 04:09:01PM +0100, Jackson, Harry wrote:
> Hi all,
> 	For anyone who is interested this is the PHP page that I am using to
> generate the front page. It probably could be a lot neater but it works
> except on initial load because the "$var"  variables have not been initiated
> and I am not sure how to initiate them only on refresh or first entry of the
> page. I have tried to just declare them but they then always default to that
> value when I hit the "Enter Information" button on the page.
> $caseid = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM remedy_base where $var1 Like '%$var2%'
> and $var3 $var4 '%$var5%'",$db);

This line is the problem?  Well, what you need to do is set the $varN
variables to some default value if they are unset or FALSE.  Here's an

	$var1 = $var1 ? $var : "default value";

or alternatively

	($var1) || ($var1 = "default value);

whichever takes your fancy.

Or you could test to see if the variables have been set and only execute
your statement if they all are:

	($var1) && ($var2) && ($var3) && ($var4) && ($var5)
	&& (execute your statement within these brackets);

Which would be more appropriate to your needs?  Setting defaults or not
executing if unset?

I have some other concerns about your code but there's no need to go
down those byways right now.


The ice-caps are melting, tra-la-la-la.  All the world is drowning,
tra-la-la-la-la.  -- Tiny Tim.
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