[Gllug] Website developement

David Freeman freemadi at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Jul 15 10:55:14 UTC 2001

 --- Jon Masters <jonathan at jonmasters.org> wrote: > David,
> I understand your reasoning for needing some form of generation tool
> for
> the content, but I take it that you are using CSS for overall layout?

No I'm not, cos I've never really looked into them, although I am
looking at this idea now.
> Don't forget to validate all pages with http://validator.w3.org/ -
> people might not call me the world's greatest website author but I
> value
> standards conformance and simplicity over anything else.

I have done, very embaracing quantity of errors.

For somereason it doesn't like my body tags

<body BGcolor="#ffffff" link="#ff0000" vlink="#0000ff">

it says that in HTML 4.01 Bgcolor, link and vlink aren't valid
attirbutes! which has confused me no end.

Do you know of any guides to CSS?



> --jcm
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