[Gllug] Looking for a specific 'homepage generator' type package - forgottenthe name

Richard Cohen richard at vmlinuz.org
Mon Jul 23 15:06:28 UTC 2001

On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 john.hearns at framestore.co.uk wrote:

> Richard Cohen wrote:
> >
> >
> > Does this ring a bell for anyone?  Pint of your choice to the person who
> > gives me the right name and/or the homepage URL.
> >
> CPAN is your friend.
> http://search.cpan.org/doc/IKLUFT/WebFetch-0.10/sub/Slashdot.pm
> I'll have a nice Leffe Blonde at the next LONIX, if that's
> what you are after.

Nope, that's not it.  I've actually found what I was after, by the boring
method of sticking lots of different search terms into Google, one after the
other, until one of them came up with a copy of the manual for the package
I'm after.

Just for fun (and if anyone's interested), I won't say what it *is* - the
offer of a pint is still open if anyone finds it.  I'll post the name in a
day or two.  Anyone for a web searching contest?

As a clue - it exists as <packagename>.sourceforge.net and
www.<packagename>.com, which are different pages.  The author has set up a
company around it - selling binaries, manuals and support.  It's also listed
on Freshmeat...

> It's not for use on the iPaq, perchance? Grin.

Well, I actually though of it for work - I'm still not quite used to having
an always-on connection at home.  Once I started thinking about it, I
realised that yes, it would be perfect for the iPAQ, although I think the
Sitescooper approach is probably better...


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