crypto was Re: [Gllug] Editors

Sean Burlington sean at
Tue Jul 31 10:45:41 UTC 2001

tricky to quote when replying to so much ...

so I won't ! (quote)

what is it with this argument of "if you are inocent, what have you got 
to hide?"

Who's innocent ? - I've certainly broken a few laws - surely most people 
have commited one of these crimes ..
taken illegal drugs, pilfered material from work, broken copyright...

even pornography wich is illeagal in this country mostly falls well 
short of child-porn...

Also I happen to know people who spent time in prison (months) before 
being found not-guilty - peace capmaigners and groups like amnesty are 
important advocates of this sort of encryption.

I remember a while ago reading how amnesty use steganography to move 
stories of human rights abuse in countries which have made encryption 

If the indivual does not have rights to privacy, there is little 
protection from the abuses of the state for anyone.



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