[Gllug] Editors

Tom Gilbert tom at linuxbrit.co.uk
Tue Jul 31 22:49:35 UTC 2001

* Kieran Barry (kieran at esperi.demon.co.uk) wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Tom Gilbert wrote:
> Which is consistent with my point. In a theoretical society, if everyone
> is responsible for themselves, they won't offend others.

That is not the society in which we live so how is it applicable? (Not
that I believe basic human nature will ever allow such a theoretical
society to exist).

> > Oh I see. You are inventing an impossible situation where everyone is
> > perfect? We don't have that, hence we have to give up a little to get
> > security.
> You are arguing with my assumptions. When I show them consistent, you
> tell me that it's impossible.
> The actual point at issue is this: I want to move towards a society 
> where citizens respect each other and enjoy freedoms.
> You feel that no-one can be trusted without the law to prevent them
> misbehaving.

Yes, this is correct, without the fear of punishment, many more people
would be tempted to covet that which is not theirs, and have less
inhibition as to acquiring it.

> Indeed, you feel that there should be no control on the 
> police which hinder their investigations.

At no point did I say that, so please don't put words into my mouth. "No
control"? No, I do not agree, as I said, the police should, of course be
policed - I'm with you on the not blindly trusting those in authority
thing - however:

A properly policed authority (we do not have that now, no, but it's an
easier and more realistic change than to the eutopian society you speak
of) _should_ have a certain amount of power to pursue criminals, and
the encrytped magic evidence concealer is just one example of where
they need a little extra ability, in my opinion.

I never said they should be able to demand your data without a shred of
evidence of any wrongdoing on your behalf. But when the hidden evidence
is the final nail in a felon's coffin, they HAVE to be able to see it.

> That's fundamental. Both are rational views. I just wish I could change
> your mind.

Indeed, neither of us will change the other's view. I never set out to
however, this thread simply started with me saying:

o) why do you need a stenographic filing system to store your diary?
o) And why would you only give the 'lower level' of it up when asked
   via RIP
o) oh and why do you EXPECT to be asked by RIP?

and I was then encouraged to support my viewpoint :)

   .^.    .-------------------------------------------------------.
   /V\    | Tom Gilbert, London, England | http://linuxbrit.co.uk |
 /(   )\  | Open Source/UNIX consultant  | tom at linuxbrit.co.uk    |
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