[Gllug] Linux Training

Simon Bunker sibunks at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 28 17:59:04 UTC 2001


I just joined this group so I hope you don't mind me jumping straight in -
plus is it just me or are there a hell of a lot of Simon's in one place - oh
well here's another ;o)

I was wondering if anyone knows if there are any decent and most
importantly - recognised - training courses for learning more about Linux. I
have recently put Red Hat 7.1 on my system and it is up and running nicely
with Windows 2000 pro - unfortunately I only have a win modem so I can't
connect to the net through Linux (are there any ways around that - don't
havea clue who made my internal modem) or any other machines so there is
only so much I can do with it. I'd really like to have a piece of paper
showing I know something about it. Cheap evening course in North/Central
London would be best - particualarly as a lot of companies in the area I
want to get into - graphics - are moving towards Linux on the desktop (and I
can't afford an SGI to get IRIX experience!)

Also does anyone know any decent video/3D/2D programs on Linux - preferably
pro ones with trials. The Gimp and BMRT are good but beyond that quality
plummits quite rapidly in the free area of the market - don't even get me
started on Blender.... Also is there anyway of unifying the windows in The
Gimp so that there aren't a million seperate windows floating around - that
is my biggest annoyance with the program.

Anyway just thougt I'd say hello - is the monthly meet going to be held at
CFC any time in the future again? Also there is a nice similar location at
The Moving Picture Company.

UIN 11123737

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