[Gllug] Idea for meeting

Steve Cobrin cobrin at highbury.net
Wed Nov 7 15:20:37 UTC 2001

On Wednesday 07 Nov 2001 14:32, you wrote:
> A thought I had (well, actually, someone suggested it to me, and I've seen
> it at another LUG):
> One of the joys of Linux is that there are so many little tools out there
> which are incredibly useful, but which you'd never find if no-one told you
> about them.  I think it would be nice to have a small spot (5-10 minutes)
> set aside between a couple of the talks for someone to introduce their
> favourite 'small useful tool'.  It might also be a nice chance for someone
> who doesn't want to give a full-length talk, for whatever reason, to talk
> in a less formal way...
> Anyway, what do y'all think?

ok, one of the things I was going to mention in my talk is "mirror" which 
takes a snapshot of an ftp site. I've been using it for over 10 years, and 
find it very useful. Also I could remention "sudo", which I'm a great fan of.

If anybody want to recommend any other mirroring software, I'll try and take 
a look at it, and offer some biased opinions :-) 
[examples I can think of are: wget, emirror, fmirror]

> It might be too late now to do this for this week's meeting, but it might
> be possible.  If anyone fancies volunteering for this week, get in touch
> with me, and I'll make sure someone is there with your tool in their laptop
> (Oo-er!) so you can demo it if you want, without having to take your own
> laptop along.  You wouldn't have to demo it, but it might be nice...

the real issue is whether we can have internet access at the meeting :-/

> Cheers
> Richard

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