No Keyboard = No Boot (was: Re: [Gllug] Changing machine's IP address)

Alex Hudson home at
Sun Nov 4 11:46:29 UTC 2001

On Sunday 04 November 2001 11:20 am, you wrote:
> On Saturday 03 November 2001 13:34, you wrote:
> > I fyou intend on not needing to send the box down for reboots, etc, then
> > you could plug the monitor/keyboardin for bootup, and once its up,
> > disconnect them and leave the box to sit in a corner
> I'm not happy about that solution - leaving unterminated signal lines
> strikes me asa bad idea (although I'm not an electronics buff (wouldn't do
> it with a sound system, tho - introduces system noise.)

It's perfectly fine. The sound system thing is completely different; all you 
have on the signal path is an amplifier, so of course you get noise. ps2 
ports (for example) are designed to run with or without connection; so are 
usb (and others). 


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