[Gllug] Proftpd

Paul Brazier pbrazier at cosmos-uk.co.uk
Wed Nov 28 10:41:49 UTC 2001

> Does it start if you turn the ServerIdent on?
> What are the errors that you get in the logs?
> Often the wrong parameters are due to the config file stating 
> standalone
> server and then trying to start from xinetd.

It's set up to run from xinetd and works fine if I don't have the
ServerIdent line.
If I include any form of ServerIdent line, whether it's on or off,
includes a string or not I get the problem.

The error is something like "wrong number of parameters for ServerIdent"
or "incorrect parameters for ServerIdent" but I'm sure they are correct.

I've actually noticed an unrelated security problem for v 1.2.1 on the
proftpd website so maybe if I upgrade the version it might cure this
problem as well.

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