[Gllug] PCMCIA nic/ Modem S/H source

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Tue Nov 13 01:58:29 UTC 2001

George at College(georgesaxby at racc.org.uk)@Mon, Nov 12, 2001 at 12:41:55PM +0000:
> Hi,
>  	Anyone have a reliable source for sensibly priced  pcmcia nic/modem combo 
> cards ( ie less that £100.00+) 
>      S/H not a problem if anyone wants to sell theirs OR a PCMCIA cdrom setup
> 	Xircom nic/modems seem to be well thought of  any other suggestions as to 
> brand that works with our favourite O/S

the SO and I, both have 3com combo cards, i can highly recommend them,
single height work well under linux.  the only *really important* thing
about them, is make sure the modem is a hardware one.  3com sell many
many varieties of combo cards, some have software modem's som dont.  get
a list of the ones that work under linux and pop down to the computer
fairs on saturday with some asbestos gloves.  there's at least one
trader who sells them, and IIRC there less than a one'er.

Xircom ones are nice, but all the ones i've come accross are double
height.  which is fine if you can use it.  i cant.


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