[Gllug] Email Formats

Nix nix at esperi.demon.co.uk
Thu Nov 22 08:50:17 UTC 2001

On 21 Nov 2001, Alex Hudson muttered drunkenly:
> On Wed, 2001-11-21 at 15:27, tet at accucard.com wrote:
>> >Being able to cut-and-paste sensibly with a wordprocessor is also
>> >extremely important, and again, I can't do that with text.
>> Huh?
> Before asking, try it, really. It doesn't work. (nb. I said 'sensibly' -
> that means, retains important formatting, doesn't require major
> reformatting to get rid of tabs, bad line breaks, etc. etc.)

Let me get this straight. You are using a text editor that can't


Every text editor I've ever seen can do this. vi can do this. Emacs can
do this standing on one leg. Hell, even pico can do this.

Get a better text editor.

>> Plus, what's stopping you from right justifying text? True, you don't know
>> how wide the terminal is, but you can assume 80 columns without problems.
> I can assume 80 columns? When rfc 2822 recommends a 78 column max.? :)

You should probably assume 72.

> I'd really like to see you attempt to right-justify something without
> HTML email - if it survives more than two quotings at 80 columns wide,
> I'll buy you a pint.

I'd like to see your typographical reason for wanting to send
right-justified text through email; if you're trying to work on
marked-up stuff with someone, you should be sending the markup *source*;
if you're trying to show off the look of something, send it in
PostScript; any decent mailer (i.e., not Outlook, but Outlook barely
counts as an MUA, off there in its own little terribly impoverished
world in which even contextual quoting is well-nigh impossible) can view
the result.

> Seriously, I know it's not very fashionable to like HMTL email, but I do
> have very real requirements which HMTL email solves.

You haven't made them very clear. HTML email causes me nothing but grief
(and a good bit of wasted bandwidth, too...)

`Many people have tried whispering in his ear, and indeed bellowing
 with megaphones but up to now he's seemed to be completely
 clue-immune.' --- John Winters

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