[Gllug] RedHat

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Thu Nov 1 12:11:25 UTC 2001

Hi all

After the nightmare I had yesterday with redhat I have finally managed to
demonstrate it to several people (none of this is official and IT do not
know about it) and the general consensus was one of Disbelief and quotes

I thought it was a bunch of edjits playing around that made Linux
How much does it cost
Is not free wise up

It was then followed by the following more inquisitive line of questioning. 

How can I read my Outlook mail using this (to which I have no idea)
Can I dual boot and how can I do this.
Is it compatible with MSOffice

I am seriously considering showing this to a few people in the know here and
mentioning that it will "SAVE MONEY" but as most IT departments rely on
Windows because that is what they know and also what they earn their money
from then I will probably be told to get the thing off the PC before it
spreads and infects everything or some equally inane comment. Breathe "That
was one hell of a sentence"

Oh and thankyou all for yesterday especially X and Y for phoning and lending
a hand

Harry Jackson.


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