[Gllug] Star office

William Palfreman william at palfreman.com
Wed Nov 28 08:27:10 UTC 2001

On 28 Nov 2001, Nix wrote:

> On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, David Damerell moaned:
> > As far as anyone knows, in the EU, this isn't even a legal insanity;
> > it's a fiction existing only in the minds of software companies.
> And in .au, it is enshrined in the reasoning behind the passing of
> certain laws. Wonderful.

Sorry, but what are you both talking about?  What is it about the Star
Office/Open offices licences that is fictional?  I didn't understand it
in David's original reply either :-(


W. Palfreman. 		http://www.palfreman.com/william/
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