[Gllug] installing LINUX via PCMCIA to a laptop

Walid walidshaari at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 19 13:29:09 UTC 2001

 --- Alain Williams <addw at phcomp.co.uk> wrote: > On Sun, Nov 18, 2001 at
03:32:23PM +0000, George F Saxby wrote:
> > Hi,
> >  well it had to happen I decided to install LInux to my ancient laptop. 
> > Problem is as far as I can see is to get the laptop to see the PCMCIA cdrom
> & 
> > install from there.
> Never tried that - might need to build a custom kernel with PCMCIA cdrom
> nailed in -- so that is chicken & egg unless you have another Linux box to
> build it on.
> >  OR 
> > see the PCMCIA netcard and install via http / ftp 
> Dead easy with RedHat - there are 3 floppy images with different kernels,
> one is for PCMCIA boxen and has lots of PCMCIA network cards configured.
> > 	Since I am completely clueless as to how I go about either type of install
> > some pointer would be nice
> Once you have created a boot floppy with the correct kernel: boot it and
> tell it what the network config is (ie IP addr), tell it what M/C has the
> contents of the cdrom copied to hard disk & where that is, & off you go.

If that was a RH 7.x distro remember to copy the two CDS to the harddisk, as
I was waiting for long before I knew it was trying to get some rpms that did
not exist on the first CD!

> -- 
> Alain Williams
> #include <std_disclaimer.h>
> -- 
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walid at melinux.com

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