[Gllug] Comic offer + Pine & Cable question

Formi rcarrera at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Nov 8 14:45:41 UTC 2001

 Boas meus,

 I have at least 3 comic magazines that I get for free, called:
 Microsoft Certified Proffesional Magazine.

 They are what they sound like, and they are funny, I'll bring them on

 Pine Question: When I read the list mails, I would like the subject of
the mail in the top bar, I haven't seen the way of configuring this.
How can I do that?   Please, spare me the " have a look at the source".

 Cable one: I have been given a cable, the thing has 15 pin connectors,
 one male and the other female. On the male side there is a Windblows(1)
 3.11 logo, the other is plain.

 What is it for ?

(1) Through the unlimited number of holes.

Thanks in advance, (if you provide a polite answer).

P.D.: We love talking about the weaknesses,... of micro$pot, but the talk
on the list is not convincing anybody, we all know it.
The effort would be better redirected to other more knowledgeable people.

                                           RED Formi.

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