[Gllug] Fun with PPTP and Proxy-ARP bridging firewalls

Rob Andrews rob at impure.org.uk
Thu Oct 4 17:44:01 UTC 2001

[04-Oct-2001 17:27.58 (BST) / Mike Brodbelt]
 > From memory (it's been a while since I set this up), you need to have
 > your firewalling rules permit GRE over IP. This is protocol type 17,
 > IIRR, and there is a kernel compile time option to allow it. Your kernel
 > needs this capability before you can configure firewalling rules to
 > allow GRE tunnels.

This is the peculiar thing: GRE over IP tunnels are enabled.

With all firewall rules disabled, it doesn't work either. Which is leading
me to become very, very confused.

Is there some sort of parameter I should pass to 'ip' to allow GRE or

nine      <e> rob at impure.org.uk <pgp> 0x8bb5c71e <w> http://impure.org.uk/
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