[Gllug] Re: Electronic VAT returns etc

John Hearns john.hearns at framestore.co.uk
Sat Oct 20 10:18:21 UTC 2001

Wulf Forrester-Barker wrote:
> John <john.hearns at framestore.co.uk> wrote:
> > I'm actually referring to recent articles in Computer
> > Weekly... Bascially statements from NHS Information
> > Exec which say "We've started out years and years
> > ago to use EDIFACT for path lab reports,
> > and we'll continue down that road to the bitter end"
> I must have been skim reading too quickly :-(

Wulf, I'm absolutely behind you.
I worked in the NHS for more than four years, in computing and
and I have the scars to prove it, as Tony Blair says.
I helped found the British Healthcare Internet Association,
and was on the committee for the Society for the Internet in Medicine.
One great kick in the teeth was being ordered by my boss to take out
a line in my email .signature saying that I was a member of BHIA.

By the way, if any of you are unhappy in your jobs,
just go to http://www.computerweekly.com and search for NHS on their
jobs site.

> Of course, world domination takes time, so I'm back to working on my XML rewrite of the colorectal cancer > database. MS Access, and essentially a flatfile structure with about 215 fields for each of the 150 patients... 
Talking about Access reminds me of Philippa - she know a lot about
Access, and has coded up some
things in it.
Story comes from the 1996/1997 time frame, when conciousness about
electronic media etc. was just permeating hospitals.
Some bright spark professor or consultant at Guys got grant money to put
up the house doctor's handbook
on the Intranet (which had barely been created at the time).
Philippa was employed temporarily to do this. Good show, I hear ou all
I could have wept when she was ordered by this doctor do do it in MS
Help format.
'S true - they got her to write the documents in Word (or something) and
ran a translator to
MS Help format. Lord help us....

I hope to hear the sound of heads bashing off desks all over London now.

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