[Gllug] [Fwd: Telewest/Cableinet Support - - NIMDA]
Xander D Harkness
xander at harkness.co.uk
Thu Oct 4 13:00:42 UTC 2001
I was accused of being infected with NIMDA on a Linux box!!
-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Mark Stokes <Mark.stokes at telewest.co.uk>
To: 'info at harkness.co.uk' <info at harkness.co.uk>
Subject: Telewest/Cableinet Support - - NIMDA
Date: 04 Oct 2001 13:24:51 +0100
Infected IP = 25/Sep/2001:18:30:35 - NIMDA
Dear Customer
You may have heard about a new virus called Nimda. We are working hard to
protect the Blueyonder/Telewest service to limit any impact of this worm
[virus] and want to keep you informed of the actions we are taking and what
as a user you should do to protect your systems.
Unfortunately our logs show that you are possibly infected. To limit the
spread and effect to other Telewest customers we will be working with you to
clean your network. Due to the urgency of this situation we will be limiting
customers services that are not updating & cleaning their systems.
Its main goal is simply to spread over the Internet and Intranet, infecting
as many users as possible and creating so much traffic that networks are
virtually unusable.
Feel free to contact us about this matter.
Business Leased Line Support
Tel: 0845 1177889
E-Mail:byll at telewest.co.uk
Live Life in Broadband
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