[Gllug] ftp security

John Edwards john_ed at cornerstonelinux.co.uk
Mon Oct 22 16:56:52 UTC 2001

On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 05:37:14PM +0100, John Hearns wrote:
> On Mon, 2001-10-22 at 16:57, Paul Brazier wrote:
> > I'm helping to set up a box with RH7.1 which will (amongst other things)
> > give remote users ftp access to their home directories only. I read
> > somewhere that wu-ftpd is insecure.
> Use Proftpd   http://www.proftpd.org
> You won't regret it.
> Proftpd is written with security in mind.
> It uses a configuration file with a similar syntax to Apache.
> I would make sure all users are put in a chrooted environment.

I'm sure we all would like to throw some of our users into a chroot 
jail for a few months. One with padded walls, no computer and a few

On the other hand there are a few programmers out there who could 
also deserve it, the ones who think documentation is a disease.

|      John Edwards    Email: John.Edwards at uk.com            |
|                                                            |
|     "Security vulnerabilities are here to stay."           |
|   Scott Culp, Manager, Microsoft Security Response Center  |

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