[Gllug] Proxy awareness campaign

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Wed Oct 17 11:01:10 UTC 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jake Jellinek [mailto:jj at positive-internet.com]
> That said, ever increasing bandwidth demands should (and do) surely 
> decrease the costs of bandwidth, and help speed up the 
> installation of better and faster connections around the world. 
> If proxy servers are stopping this progress, there is an another 
> argument against them! (oops, sorry, I'm not against them honest 
> guv...)

This might be the case but is Bandwidth demand increasing faster or slower
than the price of a connection. You also have to take into account that
companies are at war with each other on price and its cheaper to use
proxies. This means that the average user only sees the price tag with no
understanding of what is happening hence I agree with the requirement for
education as to what a proxy is. 

I would tend to think though that in today's climate most people will
probably go with the cheaper service. Hopefully prices will come down low
enough for everyone to start getting a decent connection from there ISP but
I am not sure how much relation the price of a household connection bears to
the price of the connection that the ISP will require from their provider.
There is not as much competition (note I said not as much not little) in the
echelons of the high bandwidth providers so there is a certain amount of Lag
between household price and the ISP price. 

It is not the ISP who are the ones in control of the prices but the ones at
the top of the bandwidth food/data/information chain. I think ADSL has
fallen to a very low price and will stay here now until the drop in high
bandwidth catches up and then we could see more price falls.

On another note it could also be argued that it is the cost of laying and
managing a high bandwidth network that determines the price which would mean
that we are at the mercy of a plethora of subcontractors but like ISP's
these are ten to a dozen and competition is high which mean the price is
driven down. Or you could just try and manage it yourself.


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