[Gllug] Re: [OT] Google 403 Forbbiden

Kieran Barry kieran at esperi.demon.co.uk
Wed Oct 17 12:39:06 UTC 2001

On Wed, 17 Oct 2001 tet at accucard.com wrote:

> > I learned That LINX was down in London and was bogging up many ISP's.
> Perhaps just a poor choice of wording, but the chances of LINX *ever*
> being "down" are slim to non-existent. Yes, there was a problem at LINX
> yesterday morning, that caused some (but not all) ISPs to experience
> packet loss. But to say it was down is overstating things somewhat.
Adding my 2c worth...

We had a leased line from Blueyonder/Cablelondon. First line support was
outsourced to another company. Their switchboard would flood any time
they had an outage (averaged probably twice a month, but over several
periods was daily). When I did get through they'd say, "You could have
emailed us at blah at fubar.com..."

I'd go <fx=nice voice> "How do I mail you if no packets are getting
through, because one of your routers have either crashed or blown their
routes. Again."</fx>

Add to that the leased router, where the tech hadn't saved the config to
flash. (Which took them 6 hours to resolve after we had a power
outage ...)

I gave up even thinking about them, when they told me they were
replacing their main link into LINX (note: a single point of failure)
with a bigger, faster, Cisco-branded single point of failure.

And I was supposed to be happy...

Would I recommend Blue Yonder? Not really :)



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