[Gllug] Grimace :-/

Paul Brazier pbrazier at cosmos-uk.co.uk
Fri Oct 19 08:41:08 UTC 2001

> Caused chuckles around the office, the challenge now is how many
> bad computer/unix/linux jokes can we come up with?

Here's ones for the pedants amongst us ;)

A physicist, a computer programmer and a mathematician are travelling to
Scotland on holiday from England.
As they cross over the border into Scotland, they look out of the window
and see a black sheep in a field. 

The physicist says: "Wow, look, all the sheep in Scotland are black!"
The computer programmer says: "Er, no, what I think you mean is that in
Scotland, there is at least one black sheep."
The mathematician thinks for a minute and says: "No, what you really
mean is that in Scotland there is at least one sheep, *at least one side
of which* is black."

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