[Gllug] security and the /etc/host* files, possibly portmap?

John Hearns john.hearns at framestore.co.uk
Thu Oct 4 16:00:29 UTC 2001

will wrote:

>O' collective brain,
>I have an old machine at home that I did a server install on (mandrake 7.1)
>and it seems pretty secure.  Nmapping the box from my home network (there is
>not outside connectivity) reveals *no* UDP or TCP ports open.  And here is
>the problem.  I want to telnet into the box with my other machine on the
>network but the connection is obviously refused.  

ps. Forgot to say - on a RH box, the command to turn on/off services is
So chkconfig telnet on  

I'm not a Mandrake user, but I guess the command might be the same.

> Are there any references
>that you can recommend online/book form that will give me a better idea
>about Linux security possibly with networking for someone that is pretty new
>to the concept?
Excellent book is 'Hacking Exposed'  http://www.hackingexposed.com/

BTW, I'd advise all systems admins to read this book only when in company,
and with ready access to strong stimulants and someone to soothe your brow.
Do NOT read it alone in a darkened house on an eerie, stormy night.
Oh no....
This book WILL give you the fear.

The Linux partner is 'Hacking Linux Exposed'.
Haven't read this, but it is likely to be as execllent.


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