[Gllug] So Intel removes serial ports

Alex Hudson home at alexhudson.com
Thu Oct 4 20:19:39 UTC 2001

On Thursday 04 October 2001 20:17, you wrote:
> > The floppy can go. I haven't used one in years, except to kick off the
> > OpenBSD install. But I *need* serial ports.
> What about the emergency kernel floppy? And Tom's root/boot? It'd be a
> pain to use a CD for these. 

I disagree. I have a RedHat SysAdmin CD - one of the credit-card shaped ones 
(I have the ISO - it's about 30Mb). It's such a boon, it has saved me time 
countless times (it came out of 7.1 Professional boxset, IIRC).

The high points: easy to run (it asks what keyboard you have, it 
auto-configures networking [dhcp], will mount nfs for you, and will mount 
local partitions for you), lots of modules & drivers, lots of lovely sysadmin 
tools. It beats the crap out of tomsrtbt, honestly. Plus: I have some 
collegues who are not sysadmins, but Windows power-users. Even though it's 
command line, even though I used fdisk to save one of their machines (& they 
saw the associated hideousness!), it _impressed_ them. It asks three/four 
questions, and dumps you at a power prompt with networking configured, etc, 
and you can just do the job. 

BTW, I'm glad serial ports are going ;) Send it off with ISA, PCI, ps2 and 
cable select...



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