[Gllug] [OT]: Great Dancing Competition, 2001

Simon Stewart sms at lateral.net
Thu Oct 4 15:07:08 UTC 2001

So, the assumption has been made in this office that Geeks Can't
Dance. While this is certainly the case when it comes to yours
truly[1], I find it hard to believe that this is a universal
phenomenon and so I hereby moot the idea of a Geek Dancing Contest.

In the spirit of all really geeky events, we shall split ourselves
along OS (in the case of Linux, distro) lines and can therefore prove
once and for all, who's got the One True Way. If we can find a venue
and a sponsor, it might be nice to put up a prize of, say, a fully
loaded Tyan Thunder (2 Athlon 1.4MPs, 512MB RAM, 80GB disk, 21"
monitor, shiny metal case) for the best dancer.

Bagsey first heat: Debian vs. OpenBSD....[2]

Your thoughts, ladies and gentlemen?


[1] My unique and distinctive style was once described as, "you know
    that fat one off Four Weddings and a Funeral? Like that, but
    thinner and with more elbows"
[2] Second round: SuSE vs. RedHat?

"That time in Seattle... was a nightmare.  I came out of it dead broke,
without a house, without anything except a girlfriend and a knowledge of
UNIX."  "Well, that's something," Avi says.  "Normally those two are
mutually exclusive."                    --Neal Stephenson, "Cryptonomicon"

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