[Gllug] Distribution Pecking Order So far

Wulf Forrester-Barker wulf.f-b at uhl.nhs.uk
Wed Oct 24 11:13:16 UTC 2001

<pbrazier at cosmos-uk.co.uk> wrote:

> What might be interesting as well is why people use the distros they do.

Probably missing something out, but here goes:

Redhat 4.2 (certainly 4.x something) - came with a book
Redhat 5.2 - with a book
PhatLinux - downloaded on a work machine (this distro runs out of a Windows partition, and was my first taste of KDE)
Mandrake 6.1 (or was it 7.1) - cover disk
SuSE 7.0 - used at work... and then I took the DVD home. Much easier than installing from multiple cds but I found the adjustments to the filesystem layout confusing (too dissimilar to what was in my books).
Mandrake 8.0 - from a friend's cds, bought from Linux Emporium (this was to get me back to a more familiar setup and give me access to up to date packages).

Currently considering Mandrake 8.1, to give me the current version of KDE.

What I'm really after is a set up that will let me do all the things I (or my wife) needs to do with Linux as the primary OS, relegating Windows to 'boot when needed' status. However, I don't have a huge amount of time to fiddle, so I'm wanting pretty much 'out of the box' solutions.

I am now using Linux a lot more at work (still on SuSE 7.0) - and in that context I mainly use console based programs, like sed, awk and vim. It's building my skills a lot, so the 'out of the box' requirement will probably become less important (as long as I can get it set up in a fairly straightforward manner for my wife to use).


wulf.f-b at uhl.nhs.uk 


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