[Gllug] Just wondering (Red Hat 7.2)

tet at accucard.com tet at accucard.com
Thu Oct 18 10:30:41 UTC 2001

>I hope it is this and not problems in general which would be sad.  I 
>thought that for this launch there were making boxed copies available at 
>the same time rather than later as happened for 7.1
>Anyone with any other knowledge?

The release date is supposedly Monday. Unofficially, of course. Red Hat
themselves haven't formally announced a date, and have refused to do so,
but people in the know (i.e., with redhat.com email addresses) have been
dropping enough hints that it's pretty certain...


PS. The only date Red Hat have given (that I'm aware of) is October 31st,
    for the Japanese version. They've said that the US/European version
    will be sometime before then, but haven't been any more specific than

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