[Gllug] Problem with Apache & Virtual Hosting

William Palfreman william at palfreman.com
Mon Oct 15 20:35:47 UTC 2001

On Mon, 15 Oct 2001, Rowan Puttergill wrote:

> Hi
> I know this is probably one of the most over-asked questions on any mailing
> list like this, but I've read the manuals and asked the gurus I know and am
> still high and dry. Here goes. I'm running SuSE 7.1 and Apache with Virtual
> Hosting set up. When I start Apache, my virtual hosting seems to work fine
> for a couple of hours or so... then it starts wierding out by either
> dropping the virtual hosting directives entirely, or by associating the
> wrong paths with the virtual host in question. A simple restart of Apache
> usually resolves it, but I have to restart Apache at least once a day. There
> are no error messages in /var/log/messages and the only errors in
> /var/log/httpd are for missing files resulting from incorrect pathing when
> the Virtual Hosting falls over.
> If necessary I can post my httpd.conf, but I doubt the problem lies in the
> actual Virtual Host directives themselves.

Hi Rowan.  What version of Apache are you running?  Also, what is the
output of the command "uname -a" (without quotes)?  I think you had better
post your httpd.conf here too.

Are by any change Rowan Puttergill the South African computer jounalist?

W. Palfreman.
PGP key on ftp://ftp.palfreman.com/pub/wfpkey.asc
PGP id: 0x26C72581

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