[Gllug] dual head X freezing?

Bruce Richardson itsbruce at uklinux.net
Wed Oct 17 18:34:34 UTC 2001

On Wed, Oct 17, 2001 at 05:07:04PM +0100, Steve Nicholson wrote:
> I have one 17" Ast monitor driven by a Matrox Mystique 4MB card and a
> 15" HP driven by a Matrox Millennium 2MB card, Debian with xfree86 v4.1,
> Xinerama on.  On startup XFree86 interrogates and finds the monitors and
> graphic cards correctly.
> Problem: When I drag a window from one screen across to the other
> everything freezes accept the mouse, the pointer stays in the shape of
> the hand or four headed cross, I can move the mouse around the screen
> the window is in but not back to the other screen, does not respond to
> keyboard (ctrl+alt+del, or ctrl+atl+backspace to kill the xserver).  I
> have to turn off the power to reboot it.  This happens with the logon
> window as well for GDM, so I think it is something to do with X rather
> than gnome.

Next time this happens, try telnetting in (or ssh or whatever).  I used
to have similar problems with Matrox cards (not on Dual Head, though)
and I found that I could still login remotely.  Then I could restart the
machine cleanly (killing X didn't help).

I've had enough problems with Matrox cards under Linux that I just avoid
the combination.


I see a mouse.  Where?  There, on the stair.  And its clumsy wooden
footwear makes it easy to trap and kill.  -- Harry Hill
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