[Gllug] Off Topic Not a Plug

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Wed Oct 3 09:02:43 UTC 2001

Hi all

I sent the complaint and believe it or not the head of the Website or
whatever you call that person replied with the following

"Yes, Harry you have found some light at the end of the tunnel!  We will
look into it and let you know.
All the best,"

The light at the end of the tunnel bit refers to the amount of ways I tried
to find the person. The ironic thing is that I tried to use the complaint
section on the Colt Website to complain about the back button and found a
bug on it immediately.

I have a sneaking suspicion that this will be the one and only email that I
get from this person but I hope not. Who knows I may become a tester for the
website. Before you say anything one is better than none which is how many I
imagine they have got at the moment (over exaggerating but good for affect).


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