[Gllug] Proxy awareness campaign

gllug at codex.net gllug at codex.net
Mon Oct 22 11:43:53 UTC 2001

On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, William Palfreman wrote:

> I can.  The government's latest insane pig-in-the-comms-room is that
> every ISP keep every single bit of email, logs, all recorded traffic, for
> 7 years, else your friendly sysadmin is jailed.  With no proxy there are
> many fewer records to keep.  If you really have enough cash you could buy
> a couple of satellite links to a third country, and keep all your servers
> there.  No UK based servers = no logs[0], and no prison sentences for us
> all just because a fire took out 4 year old tapes.  
> Bill.
> [0] Switch off your router and switch logs too :-)

and if we're really lucky, maybe the nice people at the ISP's will start
sending users bill's for new disks, to store all your data on.  I dont
understand how anyone can be foolish enough to believe that such a system
like this is ever going to work.  the actual physical requirements are
going to be obscene.  maybe it;s just what the disk manufacturing corps

I'm still attempting to fathom who's going to pay for all this.  you can
be damn sure the govt wont be, which means the companies will, which means
the cost gets pushed onto the consumer.  This whole system we live in

The more and more dumb laws like this are used, the more and more people
will get pissed off.  eventually *something* will happen.  precisely what,
i dont know.


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