[Gllug] Geek housing

Adam Bower abower at thebowery.co.uk
Wed Oct 31 13:08:05 UTC 2001

hi there,

I am about to move to London soon as I am starting a new job there next
week, I was wondering is there any (good) resource that anyone knows of
for locating rooms in Geek houses? (by Geek house I mean somewhere with
lots of computers, lots of bandwidth, and some nice fun people)

Looking in the loot (and similar) for housing is such a chore and so
depressing that I thought I would ask on here anyway.

BTW if you know of a room in a geek house kind of around (like a
couple of mile radius) the Shoreditch area then let me know... In fact let
me know of anything!

"a funny thing about regret is, that it's better to regret
        something you have done, than to regret something you haven't done"

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