[Gllug] Strange Attractor Talk

Stig Brautaset stigbrau at online.no
Thu Oct 4 21:47:27 UTC 2001

* Kim Hawtin <kim at aldigital.co.uk> spake thus:
> > >>All of the kit I can find seems to be limited to 11Mb/s
> > > 
> > > In the US the maximum output from a system, ie card + cable +
> > > antenna(e) is 1W! with a maximum practical range of 35 miles,
> > > mountain top to....
> > > 
> > > here it is 100mW .... 2KM is perfectly reasonable, roof top to
> > > roof top, with line of sight.
> > Ooooo get some US kit and frazzle everyone - I know it is not that
> > sort of power but it certainly would reduce the number of nodes that
> > Consume would need throughout London :-)
> damn ... its kinda hard to convince a sysadmin that "doesn't matter
> what the question is, the answer is always more power!" does not
> always apply ... =/ 100mW is more than enuf!  if you need more than
> 2Km use a directional antenna!

I seem to remember from my electronics class that a tv-sending satelite
reaching most of Europe usually sends at a maximum of 20W. The reason
being, there is no cooling up there.

Registered Linux User 107343

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