[Gllug] Nothing Simple

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Wed Oct 31 16:09:07 UTC 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Richardson [mailto:itsbruce at uklinux.net]
> If you want to show off a range of different window managers, 
> here is my 
> recommendation:
> Delete anything in your home directory that looks like .Xclients or 
> .xinitrc .wm_style.  Then make sure you have either kdm (KDE X-login 
> daemon) or gdm (Gnome X-login daemon) installed.  Then change 
> to runlevel 
> 5.  If Red Hat have done a proper job of configuring kdm and 
> gdm, then 

At the moment if I change to runlevel 5 I get the login asking all the usual
questions etc but the blooming mouse still wants to head North East. 

> they should offer you a choice of window-managers at login.  If this 
> turns out to be difficult, just create several different accounts and 
> give each one a seperate default wm.

Heres the deal. I can now get into XWindows after altering xinitrc in the
root directory. I have not tried Gnome as I suspect it will throw a wobbly
again. The mouse has definitely gone tits up and decides that the top right
hand side of the screen is the place for it to be, permanent! piss off,
leave an overworked mouse alone. This is no fun when you are shit with a
keyboard and have tried all the obvious ways to get the focus on a window (I
know alt tab but how do you start the shell or get to the bottom bar I also
know ctrl esc its just a pain) with no joy the best of which was when I
tried failsafe and I could not get to the command prompt, yes it was safe
alright it was safe because I could not get to it.

Hardware is a basic PIII 500 with 256mRam and Omnicube KVM!!!!!! (Could this
be the mouse problem)

After ranting and raving about how easy Linux is to install I have had to
bite my lip.

Maybe someone upstairs is trying to tell me something like get rid of the
mouse or stay away from PC's.

Very Irrate Irish man

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